To maintain healthy bottom lines, organizations should consider Asset Management

Our focus on building close working relationships means we have a deeper understanding of individual business requirements and can offer more relevant products and solutions. A satisfied customer speaks volumes. Hear what one of our customers is saying about our Asset Management Platform below.

Our company began using Nektar three years ago and has had an amazing experience with the program and the staff since day one. We use it for a variety of things like time tracking for payroll, tracking costs on equipment, and many others but where we found the program most beneficial was for tracking our rental equipment. The ability to scan rental units in and out with date and time stamps as well as completing simple pre and post-rental inspections that are recorded on the spot has eliminated billing problems that we previously faced. Our customers are happy that we can provide a copy of the inspections and complete final billing quickly. Needless to say, we are more profitable because we are billing faster and more accurately. The staff at Nektar are friendly and very knowledgeable as well. A concern that we had when starting with Nektar was that we are a unique company and the cookie-cutter solutions that are available were either too vast or too focused to fit our needs. Jason and the team custom-designed the tasks and reporting that fit our organization without the price tag that is typically associated with custom software solutions. I highly recommend giving the team at Nektar an opportunity to look at your organization, you would be surprised at the inefficiencies that they can help solve!

Ready to learn more about what Nektar can do for you?  Contact Us or click below to book a live demo.

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Who is Nektar?

Meet your partner in asset clarity and data management. 


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Our clients came to us looking for unique data management solutions and we blew them away.

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A tailor made tech platform that lets you connect real-information to the teams that need it.


Asset and data management can be determining factors in any construction project’s success.


Facilitate compliance with all OH&S requirements.

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Asset and data management can be determining factors in any construction projects success.


Manage all facilities through one simple solution.


Managing pipeline traceability, regulatory compliance, and safety from a single platform.

Project Management

Make data-driven decisions, and achieve project goals with greater ease.


Collect and analyze utility structure assets, job-site tasks, and safety data in real time.

Transportation ​

Track and manage your fleet; ensure safety and regulatory compliance. 


A tailor-made tech platform that lets you connect real-information to the teams that need it.

Who is Nektar?

Meet your partner in asset clarity and data management.

Case Studies

Our clients came to us looking for unique data management solutions and we blew them away.

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Equipment, Inventory & Asset Management

Track and optimize equipment, inventory and asset performance.

Time & Labour

Monitor and control your ever-increasing labour


Facilitate compliance with all Health & Safety requirements.


Build effective and sustainable preventative maintenance programs.

Custom Solution

Working hand in hand we can develop a custom Data Management platform for your business unique needs.

Fleet Management

Manage your entire fleet from one customizable platform.


A tailor-made tech platform that lets you connect real-information to the teams that need it.

Who is Nektar?

Meet your partner in asset clarity and data management.


Insight into Nektar and the industries we service.

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