Time and Labour Management

Everything you need to manage your processes and staff all in one place

An Easier Way to Manage Your Time & Labour

Our mobile platform lets you capture real-time attendance data, allowing you to adjust schedules, generate custom reports, and ensure precise calculations of hours worked.

Time Sheets

As labor costs continue to rise, accurate time tracking is crucial for business success. Our mobile time-tracking apps for Apple and Android transform employees' phones into efficient, user-friendly time clocks. Staff Simply open the app, select a job and task, clock in, take a lunch break, send notes, and clock out. .

Job Costing

Effective job costing is essential for managing expenses and boosting profits. Our mobile app makes it easy for employees to record hours and switch between jobs. When payroll processes timesheets, job and labor cost codes are automatically applied, enhancing efficiency and streamlining the payroll workflow.

Field Approvals

Once employees have tracked their time, field managers and administrators can review, amend, approve, or decline the submitted timecards.


Our platform lets you generate flexible reports for payroll, invoicing, and job cost calculations. Easily export high-level summary reports on employee timesheets, job sites, or labor cost codes. You can dive deeper into specific employee time punches, jobs, or tasks with comprehensive reports. .


Proven Track Record


Customer Satisfaction

0 +

Assets Managed


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All-in-one solution for your projects

Real-Time Project Tracking

Monitor the status of ongoing maintenance activities with real-time updates and alerts.

Comprehensive Asset Management

Keep track of all road-related assets, including their condition, location, and maintenance history.

Streamlined Work Order Management

Create and manage work orders effortlessly, with automated notifications and updates.

Seamless Mobile Integration

Allow field teams to access and update information directly from their mobile devices.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure all maintenance activities are documented and compliant with industry regulations.

Let's Talk

Contact Us

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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